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St. John Paul II
International Baccalaureate

How do I know if my child is right for IB?We are looking for students who are working at or above grade level in every subject. Generally IB students are: Excited about learning Motivated to do well academically Interested in everything a school has to offer – such as athletics, clubs, service, leadership Good problem solvers, with strong literacy and numeracy skills Good communicators – orally, and written
How do I apply?Our application process begins early in October of their grade 8 year. We host an IB Parents Information evening (which may be face to face or virtual), and a school wide Open House (which may be face to face or virtual) where you and your child can learn about our program and application process. The application is found online on the TCDSB website under SOAR for Secondary Admissions. The link can be found under resources. Applications include: Grade 6 EQAO results Grade 7 report cards Results from CAT 4 (TCDSB schools) or CASI (TDSB schools) or any other standardized test (only include if your child has done these; otherwise this requirement is not considered) Confidential Teacher report - sent to your elementary school's Principal automatically in the SOAR system. The Principal will forward this report to your grade 8 teacher who will complete it on your behalf. Written STUDENT response to a question on SOAR using the Learner Profile (additional materials to assist you with this can be found under the resources section) List of Student Achievements, Awards, Extra Curricular and Volunteer activities on SOAR Make sure to check out additional information on applying in the "Resources" tab under the "IB Programme" section Timelines and dates of admissions and acceptances can be found on the SOAR page. Secondary School Online Application Process | Toronto Catholic District School Board
Do you have an entrance exam?We do not have an entrance exam. While many IB schools require an entrance exam or interview, we do not require this. Our programme’s philosophy is “seed not weed”. We would rather give opportunities to students who show potential, rather than weeding them out at the beginning.
Is there an application fee? Are there tuition fees for the programme?We do not have an application fee. We do charge fees for registration and exams in Grade 11 and 12, paid out over two years, and are subject to change based on rates set by the IB. The prices of the fees are usually announced at the beginning of every school year.
What courses do you offer in the IB Programme?Our full selection of course offerings for Grade 11-12 IB students can be found in our "IB PROGRAMME" tab, also in the navigation bar on the top of the webpage. Students can either choose to have a full IB course load within the IB DP to work towards the IB diploma, or to study specific subjects within the IB curriculum.
What's the difference between the IB diploma and certificates?Not all students choose to take the full course load leading to a diploma. Instead, some take a few DP courses in areas where they have particular intrest or strength, similar to honours and Advanced Placement classes. Certificates are awarded on a course-by-course basis to students who choose not do the full programme. Students who satisfactorily complete a DP course earn a certificate and may be eligible for a university credit.
How do colleges and universities view the Diploma Programme?The DP is internationally recognized as representing one of the highest standards in university preparatory education. More than 1000 colleges and universities in North America have recognition policies on how they weigh it in admissions, advanced standings, college credit and scholarships. A list of colleges and universities that grant credit, scholarships and/or advanced standing for DP diplomas and certificates is available at
Do DP students have time for anything beyond academics?Absolutely. Most successful Diploma Programme students lead very full lives. They are often members of athletic teams and involved in a wide range of activites. Time managament and organization are key skills the IB develops in students. If you check the IB Core section of the website, there are some pictures that demonstrate the student's full life as they participate in a variety of activites.
Are IB programmes considered "gifted" programmes?The IB does not control how schools designate their Diploma Programme. In some instances, schools choose to designate the programme as selective enrolment via application or as a magnet programme. In other cases, the programme is open to any student, such as our school.
Do DP teachers receive special training?All DP teachers receive professional development in the IB's approaches to teach and learn from certified IB workshop leaders. This is a requirement for the IB World Schools implenting the DP.
Can you give a specific example of how the DP prepared students for university?A 2012 study by the Consortium for Chicago School Reasearch found that Diploma Programme students who graduated from the 12 Chicago public schools were more likely to attend college, attend a selective college and persist in college for 2 years than a matched comparison group. Additionally studies on programme impact are available at
Additional questions about the program? Ask our IB coordinators!
Suzanne Regimbal
St. John Paul II C.S.S.
IB DP Coordinator
IB EE Coordinator
Teacher Librarian
Stephanie Silliker
St. John Paul II C.S.S.
IB DP Coordinator
IB EE Coordinator
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