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CAS is structured so that there are three choices under which an activity can fall under which are:

  • Creativity - the arts, anything that involves creative thinking and inquiry

  • Action - any physical exertion that can include both individual and team sports

  • Service - a voluntary and unpaid service to the community 

A documented CAS activity must include a reflection, evidence and a supervisor. There are several ways a student can finish their CAS requirement. If you need some inspiration or ideas, can help


CAS starts on September 1st of the student's grade 11 year. The student will track their progress with the CAS Coordinator using our online management system, Managebac. IB students will have completed their 40 hours of community service before the start of Grade 11. Students must meet this OSSD requirement before we allow them to begin CAS.






Let's Look at
Some of our Students' CAS activities...

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Theory of Knowledge

Theory of Knowledge (TOK) asks students to reflect their nature of knowledge and how we know what we know. It is essentially where students will gain a self-awareness of a personal and logical stance on assumptions. Students will look at the study subjects and how we perceive them and will try to come up with connections between them and us, the knowers. Students will then further try to apply this to the real world.


For TOK, confusion is completely normal, TOK is all about wondering. This course, taken in Grade 12, is a critical thinking course and deals with the nature of knowledge, epistemology, so this course is very philosophical and draws from other past and present critical thinkers. 




Extended Essay 

The Extended Essay (EE) is a research paper up to 4000 words which allows a student to explore and conduct research on a topic that interests them. Students start their investigation of their topic/research in the fall of their Grade11 years and hand it in at the beginning of Grade 12. At St. John Paul II, the students must write an EE with a basis of an IB course that we offer. The EE is also not allowed to cross over several subject areas, except for a World Studies topic.


The extended essay provides 

  • Practical preparation for undergraduate research

  • an opportunity for students to undergo a topic that interests them


Several teachers also assist the students, with a background of expertise in that subject area. The supervisor guides the student with finding a suitable research question, and/or any materials that are needed such as laboratory equipment or books/documents. 

Connect with Us

St. John Paul II Catholic Secondary School

685 Military Trail, Scarborough, ON M1E 3P6

(416) 393-5531 | | Student-Run Instagram: @sjpii_ib

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